Saturday, 16 July 2011

Giving Up - Part 2

Resign - We'll Pay You!

Hmm, a  £3.5 Million pounds (or for my American readers - $5,649,717.51) payoff.  So that's where I went wrong. Maybe I should have resigned instead of being a casualty of cut-backs!


  1. I have a feeling the amount will be reduced following today's and future questionings. Are you going to join the happy band on the new Facebook student's group?

  2. Youmay be right Keith.

    As for the new Facebook student's group, not sure yet. I'm still waiting to hear from WB about our suggestion that a separate category is put on the student forum site, so that we can list our blogs in one place.

  3. You should try the Facebook group, you'll be made very welcome and it's very informal and friendly. I wasn't sure about rejoining Facebook after previous problems but it's ok now. I certainly agree about the category on the forum but from earlier posts the admin folks seem reticent to put ideas into practice. Am re-following your blog after a problem with Thunderbird (it wasn't accepting updates so am doing it directly through Wordpress).

  4. Thanks Keith, I may give it a try. I am on Facebook, so will have a look next time I'm on.

    Thanks for following me, though I can't see you on my members list.

    Ciao for now.

  5. That's strange, it's certainly under my subscriptions. I wonder if there's an issue with me being on Wordpress and you on Blogger.

  6. Could be. But you're definitely not showing up on my followes list, although your blob is listed in my blog list.
