Thursday, 30 June 2011

Slow Downloading?

Is it me,
Is it my PC?
Is there a go-slow?
I just don't know.
So what's going on?
Where are my followers pics-
(c) A1Writer 2011

Saturday, 18 June 2011


Just a quick  message to all my followers - you will notice I have changed my blog name from Senior Moments to A1Writer's Senior Moments.  Hope it doesn't cause any problems!

Have a great weekend everyone.

That's all for now....

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Feeling Despondent!

After feeling good about my writing a few weeks ago, I decided to pen a couple of stories and enter them into various competitions. Good job I haven't sent them off as yet, as my tutor's comments on my last assignment has left me feeling pessimistic.

I can't even drum up  enthusiasm for writing anything except a moan on my blog. Not that anyone reads it, so why should it bother me? It does. I am a writer for goodness sake! At least that is what I keep telling myself. 

Perhaps the job recruiting agencies are right - 'you are just too old now Pauline, best find yourself a millionaire (I wish) who will fall in love with you and look after you for the rest of your days, then you can forget all this nonsense of being a writer.'

I think a G and T and chocolates are in order. On second thoughts, I'll just have a chat with my mum. She has every faith in me and whilst some might say mum's are biased, believe me, my mum tells me straight if my stories are a load of twaddle - for free!  I may be in my late fifties, but I still love a hug from my mum!

Assignment F2

Well I finally completed Assignment F2 and sent it off to my tutor on Saturday 11th and received a response on Monday! Apparently she liked my research (I was given an 'excellent' comment on that) and she liked the ending of my short story, but didn't feel there were  enough 'layers!'

I began F3 at the same time as F2 and have nearly finished this one. I was feeling very pleased with myself because it's taken me 10 months to get this far with the course,  but now I'm  not sure if my story which I have written for this assignment  will have enough 'layers' to satisfy my tutor. Guess it's going to take another 10 months to complete F3.

I've also been sent F4, and had a quick peek at the questions and am loosing it, big time!

Oh well back to the drawing board.

Following my own words... keep smiling, keep laughing and keep writing.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Writing Exercise!

I am really, really, really peeved with myself! I know adverbs should be used sparingly (hey another adverb!), but I need to get over my frustration...

When I first signed up and paid for  the Comprehensive Creative Writing Course at Writers Bureau in September 2010, one of the first things I did whilst waiting for the materials to arrive in the post, was to look at the WB's website and find out all I could about the course.  Well one does, doesn't one? I mean, isn't that a logical thing to do? Or am I being obtuse?

Anyway, I logged in, looked at the design and clicked on all the titles in the menu bar and read each section. I scrutinized the Students Community Home page, My Course Documents page, the Students Forum (including reading all the posts in the different sections), the Resources page, Chapter and Verse, Tutors - I know, I know, my list is going on a bit here, but what's the point in these pages being on the website if no-one reads them?  I even clicked on the  words highlighted in a different colour than the main text on each page because  when I was learning how to design and set up websites, I was told that readers would know that a highlighted word, or phrase etc., was a 'link' to be clicked on. But then what do I know, I'm just a simple, old aged woman who doesn't understand how this 'new technology' thingy works. - For heavens sake - this new technology was invented by people of my generation - so, of course I b****y well know!

I also know what FAQs means. So naturally, being an inquisitive person, I clicked on the highlighted letters FAQs and also the highlighted phrase that said, FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions, and guess what I found? A list of all the most common frequently asked questions and even better, answers to those questions.  Wow! I thought. Just think, because I took the trouble to go through the website and read all the pages etc. there will be no need for me to make an absolute idiot of myself or waste anyone's time by posting questions on the forum that are already answered in the FAQs section!

So why am I peeved with myself?  Because I am so stupid. I have wasted time taking the trouble to check out the website, and eventually (another adverb), read through all my course materials and it's all been unnecessary. All I have to do is post a question on the forum and someone else will answer it for me. Simples!

End of grief...

(DISCLAIMER: Please note that the above has been a writing exercise for the author (that's me) and is in no way, shape or form a crticism aimed at any specific person other than me.)

Keep smiling, keep laughing and keep writing.


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Joke of the Month!

Two elderly women had been friends for many decades. Over the years, they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to meeting a few times a week to play cards.

One day they were playing cards when one looked at the other and said, “Now don't get mad at me... I know we've been friends for a long time... but I just can't think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is.”

Her friend glared at her. For at least three minutes, she just stared and glared at her.

Finally, she said, “How soon do you need to know?”

More later...