Thursday, 17 March 2011

Just a quickie!

I haven't written anything on my blog for a while. This has been due to working on the second assignment of my writing course. Added to that I've been assisting one of my writer clients with his new book. I have also been working on building up my business  - being self employed I still have to earn a few bucks to eat! So there hasn't been a great deal of spare time to add to my blog.

But, I am still here, and read all the blogs I am following and I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have signed up to follow me since my last post.

Have decided to enter a couple of writing competitions - who knows I may get lucky.

Speaking of luck... I did have a win on the UK Lottery last week - Yippee!

Have to get back to editing my client's work now, as they say time is money.

Speak soon...

Have a fabulous day everyone and....

Keep smiling, keep laughing and keep writing.



  1. Nice to hear from you Pauline, and well done on the lottery win :-)

  2. Hi Pauline
    Love your comment about having been writing a novel for the past 22 years. I can relate to that. I am a writer and editor and have now vowed to complete my novel. Just been commissioned to write a book for someone else so don't hold your breath. Good luck with the writing course. I look forward to following your progress.
    aka Novelist in the Making

  3. thanks Helen. Nice to hear from you too.

    The lottery win wasn't earth shatteringly life changing, but hey... a win is a win, right? All I need now is for the 'Genie' in the sky to help me fulfil another wish... well, it is said that 'like attracts like' and 'ask and ye shall receive' etc., etc.

    How are getting on with the course? I am still on with my second assignment... have answered the first two questions. Now need to write 1500 words of a suitable short story. It is proving a little challenging.

    Have a great day. Keep writing. Pauline x

  4. Hi Kim, Thanks for joining my blog and your comments. Have just had a look at your blog... cool... I particularly enjoyed reading your thoughts on notebooks ... I too have a collection, some I have used, others are just too nice to write in.

    Wish you well in writing your novel. Regards. Pauline aka A1Writer
