Thursday, 27 January 2011

Signed Up At last!

After recently completing the basic and advanced writing courses provided free (yes free!) by my local college, I decided that my dream of being a published writer was not as daunting as I first thought.
Free college classes are a good introduction to the craft of writing, but because of the size of the classes (there were 20 students at each session I attended), and time limits (each class was only two hours long), individual tuition and guidance from the tutor was not possible...
In spite of those courses being helpful, interesting and inspiring, I still felt the need to learn more about the craft and I also wanted individual tuition and guidance from experienced published tutors without the inconvenience of travelling to and attending over-crowded evening classes. I decided the best solution for me would be to enrol on a home study course and made a ‘note to self: research best course for me’ (thank heaven for Google!) entry in my diary.  
I never got to Google the topic because in the snail mail the next day, I received a leaflet with the words 'Why Not Be a Writer' from the Writers Bureau. I’d previously received similar leaflets, but never took much notice of them.
I’m not sure if it was down to coincidence, or the law of attraction I’ve been reading about, but I do believe an unknown force was working in sync with my thinking. Not only did Writers Bureau provide writing courses which fulfilled all my requirements, there were other bonuses to consider. The courses were accredited (and yes I did check out the claims on this) and the fees were generously discounted!  I signed up online straight away.
Whilst waiting for my course materials to arrive via snail mail, I was able to log in to the Student Community section of the Writers Bureau website and download modules 1-3, the first two assignments and other documents to get started on my new career as a writer. I was also able to log in to the Students Forum and learned that people of all age groups and from all over the world have signed up on the various courses..
The Students Forum is wonderful as, not only does it allow students to chat online, it allows them to help one another, exchange tips, ideas, and encourage each other on this lonely writing path.
Unfortunately, for me, the Students Forum is addictive and I find myself reading and making the odd comment or post when I should be working on my first assignment.
Still we do have four years in which to complete the course!
Now where did I put the papers of the first assignment..?
More later...

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