Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Well it's my birthday today and I have had a fabulous lazy day, doing absolutely nothing. All I need now is to win the Euro Millions tonight and my day will end perfectly. If I don't win? I have a lovely box of chocolates as consolation.

Ciao for now. P

Monday, 23 July 2012

Writer's Block

When I find myself suffering from  the dreaded 'writer's block,' I try to solve  the problem  by setting myself a writing exercise. Though, I have to admit, lately I have found it difficult to follow my own advice!

I usually begin with a blank page and write at the top 'Writer's Block - What it means to me at this moment' and then I write down my answer. I set myself a target of at least 12 paragraphs, with the first word of each paragraph beginning with the letter of the title e.g. Para 1 first word beginning with the letter W, Para 2 first word beginning with the letter R, Para 3, first word beginning with the letter I, and so on. I also give myself a target of about 50 words in each paragraph
After I have done that, I reward myself by taking a break (my vice is chocolate and cream cakes) by going for a short walk, meet a friend for a coffee, or visit a member of my family, anything to get out of the house and away from the 'writing mode.'

If it is too late in the evening to go out, I pick up a book and read or listen to some music - accompanied by chocolate and cake of course!
By the time I am ready to review what I have written for my 'Writer's Block' exercise, I think, 'this is a load of twaddle and I can do better' or an idea for a short story springs to mind and I start on that.

What I try to do is see 'Writer's Block' as a challenge that I can surmount and a stepping-stone to fulfilling my dream. So what if it does take another 23 years to complete my book? Just thinking about all that chocolate and lovely cream cakes is worth it.
So how do you get over writer’s block? Do you believe writer's block exists, or is it just an alternative phrase for laziness?

Ciao for now.

Keep smiling, keep laughing and keep writing. P

New Writing Group

I attended my first meeting at the CWG this evening and I must say I enjoyed it immensely as we discussed a wide range of topics, and commented on each other’s work on the writing challenge D set for us which covered dialogue.

I was nervous reading out my work, particularly as it was my first session, and I wasn’t sure if I’d fit in. I needn’t have worried though, I was made to feel very welcome and my work was well received. I am looking forward to the next meeting with great enthusiasm.

More later…

Keep smiling, keep laughing and keep writing. P

Friday, 13 July 2012

Writing Groups

I have recently found out that there is a writing group held in my local (Birstall) library each week on Wednesdays and another one held bi-weekly on Monday evenings at Cleckheaton  I have decided to join both groups.

I went to my first meeting at Birstall on Wednesday and came away with renewed vigour to get on with my writing, especially as we were given an exercise to write about. Next meeting not until 25th July 2012, so I have a couple of weeks to put something on paper.

I received a call from K one of the members of the Cleckheaton Writers Group and I am so looking forward to attending my first session there on Monday 23rd July 2012. I was really pleased with my conversation with K who gave me all the gen on the meetings and said I'd be very welcome to join the Clekcheaton group. She even gave me details of the homework to be presented at the next meeting. So that's two lots of homework I have. Brill.

With my birthday being on Tuesday 24th July 2012, I have a few things to really look forward to.

Unfortunately, I just haven't had the motivation  to move on with my assignments for Writers' Bureau course. Maybe after completing the homework for the writers groups I will find the impetus to get going again. Watch this space!

Since recovering from my accident and caring for my mother during her illness (she's on the way to being herself again, thank goodness), I've been struggling not only with my writing, but with trying to find new clients.  It's at times like these when being self-employed is not great. With so many firms closing down in my area, and redundancy threats for many workers, people just don't have any spare money to use my services, and those who do, insist on paying next to nothing!. But as the saying goes, 'you get what you pay for' and I refuse to be badgered into reducing my already competitive prices. Enough of my moaning - have a couple of writing exercises to do.

Till next time...

Keep smiling, keep laughing and keep writing and thanks for still following me. x
